I Fired Myself….And Why You Should Do The Same

Delegation can be a powerful tool for business owners – it allows them to focus on their core strengths and outsource those tasks that don’t directly contribute to growth. Recently, I had an insightful conversation with someone who saw the potential benefits of delegation but was hesitant about taking this route. Here was the pushback I got:

“I don’t have time for this.”

“I’m too busy.”

“I really don’t have time to teach somebody else.”

Today, I want to share the one thing that has helped me level up personally and professionally: delegation. But what is delegation? And how can it help you and your business? Read on to find out about the delegation process and why it can make life so much easier for a team leader.

Benefits of Delegation

Delegating can be a great way to lighten your load and free up time for a more important task you may have been putting off – allowing you to take on the bigger projects in your business. You assign the right tasks to the right people with clear expectations and constructive criticism. From marketing and social media, accounting and customer service, there are endless advantages of delegating tedious tasks within your company that will not only help you out but also benefit involved parties! Remember, the best approach to a project’s success is effective management, higher level of commitment, and clear instructions. With delegation, a good manager is able to delegate tasks with people’s skill sets in mind, ensuring a desired result is achieved and a good job is done.


If you want your business or entire organization to flourish, it may be time for a game-changer – and that means outsourcing parts of the workload. It’s a smart strategy that can grant major benefits; after all, why do everything yourself when there are people better equipped than you? The first step and effective leader needs is to the right team members with new skills that can do any specified delegated task. In other words: it may be time to fire yourself and find the right person for specific tasks! Here are six reasons as to why hiring an extra pair of hands is essential in boosting productivity and taking your company up another level.

Get Your Time Back

Whenever I think about the pressure of a guest arriving at one of our rental properties with an issue, and me not being able to answer their questions or find solutions for them straight away, is overwhelming. That moment of panic inspired me to look into ways in which we could improve customer service on site – so that no matter what guests encountered during their stay they would have access to somebody who is qualified enough to help them out quickly and find the best way to deal with whatever problem they are having. So instead of going ahead and employing new staff members or new managers full time just for these situations; Upwork was used as a solution where specialists were hired temporarily (when needed) without us having any long term systems in place!


Everyone puts a price tag on their time, so when it comes to running your own business you have to be sure that what takes up most of your day is going to pay off in the long run. My personal need for organization and providing timely customer service was taking me away from spending more valuable hours strategizing ways I could grow my company and increase revenues – essentially costing me money without making any! It seemed I never had enough time to move onto the next step or put my best work forward because I had less time than I originally planned. The solution? Hire an expert who can do those tasks quickly and efficiently while freeing me up for important projects with higher returns.

No more Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue can take its toll on the most resilient of us. For example, a healthcare professional who has seen many patients and had to make numerous decisions by the end of their workday is likely overwhelmed with information overload. It is important to note this phenomenon is not exclusive to medical professionals; entrepreneurs and small business owners alike face similar struggles when making constant decisions throughout day-to-day life.  However, they are often limited in what’s possible due solely to knowledge or experience gaps. Experienced individuals can help lighten this load so it doesn’t become too burdensome!

Bigger Business Goals

By delegating certain low-value tasks to a virtual assistant, I am now free to have bigger and better dreams than ever. MY business growth is taking me places, which means more revenue and more satisfaction. In future posts, we’ll be discussing how easy it is for anyone – whether you’re just starting out or an experienced business owner – to hire and onboard your own VA who can take care of those tedious but essential duties that every entrepreneur needs done in order for their businesses success!

Build Relationships

Delegating can be a great opportunity to foster meaningful relationships. You gain access to expertise and knowledge bases which you may not have had before, as well as networking connections that could help propel your career forward in unexpected ways. Developing beneficial bonds with consultants, employees or even those around you is an underappreciated reward of delegating tasks – one that will ultimately make the process rewarding for everyone involved!

Get Peer Feedback

As I’ve entered into my 40s, the growth of my leadership skills has enabled me to succeed in clinical practice. My experience as a leader has taught me how to effectively articulate vision and provide constructive feedback while learning from criticism myself. This period of professional development and reflection has truly been invaluable in unlocking hidden potential within myself that could not be realized any other way.

Your Business Will Thank You

Are your workload and productivity preventing you from living a balanced life? If so, it may be time to consider delegating some of the tasks that are keeping you stuck in an unbalanced routine. And if you’re looking to hire help with your business, or just need someone to take care of personal tasks – I have the resources for you! I’m excited to share my tips and tricks which can free up time so that life feels more manageable. On top of sharing strategies on hiring support, we’ll dive into other challenges in our lives that add a layer of complexity too. Join me as together we explore how having an extra set of hands makes all the difference in living a balanced lifestyle – even when it gets messy!