Free Resources

Free Resources

Our mission is to share resources and tools to help you organize your business. 

20+ Tasks to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

20+ Tasks to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

You deserve a break. If you've not thought of hiring a virtual assistant, here's a list of tasks you can outsource. Here's hoping this motivates you to consider hiring the help you deserve!

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20+ Tasks to Outsource to a Short Term Rental Virtual Assistant

20+ Tasks to Outsource to a Short Term Rental Virtual Assistant

Operating and scaling your short term rental business can be daunting. We've hired help and it's been a lifesaver. Here's some tasks we outsource to our stellar team!

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Under Contract Timeline and Task List

Timeline and Task List

Congratulations you are under contract for a short term rental. Now it's time to get organized but not everything on your list needs to be completed. There are inspections and appraisals to get through before you dive into your extensive to do list. Here's a list of tasks to complete while awaiting those contingencies. Choose what makes sense for you and your business! Good luck 🙂

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The Short Term Rental Set-Up Guide :

This Comprehensive Guide includes a shopping list, task list, and a bank of questions to ask your prospective cleaner and handyman.  

Monthly Maintenance Checklist

Maintenance Checklist

A short term rentals require more maintenance than a personal property or long term rental. This is because the mechanical system, electrical systems, furnishings are used frequently depending on your occupancy rate. Steal our handy dandy maintenance checklist. Review with your maintenance team to ensure proper upkeep of your property.

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